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The DTWAIN_GetAcquiredImageArray function returns a DTWAIN_ARRAY of all of the DIBs acquired for a particular acquisition.


DTWAIN_ARRAY  DTWAIN_GetAcquiredImageArray (




WhichAcquire );




The DTWAIN_ARRAY that is returned from a DTWAIN Acquisition function. using DTWAIN Modal processing or DTWAIN_GetSourceAcquisitions



Specifies the Acquisition number.


Return Values

If the function succeeds, a DTWAIN_ARRAY is created of  type DTWAIN_ARRAYHANDLE is returned. If the function fails, NULL is returned.



The DTWAIN_GetAcquiredImageArray function returns a DTWAIN_ARRAY of HANDLEs that denote each image that was acquired for a particular acquisition.  The DTWAIN Array functions can then be used to process each image from the array.  For most acquisition, the returned HANDLEs describes Device Independent Bitmaps, otherwise the handle describes raw image data (see Buffered Transfers).  The AcqArray argument is the DTWAIN_ARRAY that was returned when DTWAIN_AcquireNative or DTWAIN_AcquireBuffered was called for DTWAIN Modal processing, or the return value of DTWAIN_GetSourceAcquisitions.   Remember that these acquisition functions return an array denoting the acquisitions and the array of image data within each acquisition.  The WhichAcquire value is the acquisition attempt within the AcqArray.


For more information on retrieving the indivividual images, see DTWAIN_GetAcquiredImage.


TWAIN State Transitions



Prerequisite Function Call(s)


DTWAIN Source Selection Function

DTWAIN Acquisition Function (DTWAIN_AcquireNative or DTWAIN_AcquireBuffered)


See Also

Acquiring Images