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The DTWAIN_ShowUIOnly function displays the Source UI for Source setting changes only.







Specifies a TWAIN Source.


Return Values

If the Source's UI can be displayed without acquiring images, TRUE is returned.  If the UI cannot be shown in this mode, FALSE is returned.



The DTWAIN_ShowUIOnly function displays the Source user interface (UI), but does not allow the user to acquire images.  Most UI's are shown only when it is time to acquire an image, however the "UI-only" mode allows the user to display the UI, but only to allow the user to change Source values (brightness, gamma, resolution, etc.).  The application can call DTWAIN_IsUIOnlySupported to see if the Source allows the UI to be shown in the "acquireless" mode.


When DTWAIN_ShowUIOnly is called, the application will go through the same series of steps as if an image is being acquired using DTWAIN_AcquireNative, without actually acquiring any images.  For example, if DTWAIN_GetTwainMode is DTWAIN_MODAL, the application should be suspended (i.e., the main app window should be disabled) as the UI is displayed; if DTWAIN_GetTwainMode is DTWAIN_MODELESS, the application will continue to run as the UI is shown.


After this function is called and the User Interface is finally closed, your application should call DTWAIN_GetCustomDSData to retrieve any information that was saved by the Source when in the UI-only mode.  This data usually has information on the settings that were selected.


TWAIN State Transitions



Prerequisite Function Call(s)



DTWAIN Source Selection Function


See Also

Acquiring Images