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The DTWAIN_EnumPrinterStringModes function gets all of the imprinter/endorser modes supported by a Source.


DTWAIN_BOOL DTWAIN_EnumPrinterStringModes (




lpPrinterModes );




An open TWAIN Source.



Address of a DTWAIN_ARRAY that will store the imprinter/endorser modes


Return Values

The return value is TRUE if successful.  Otherwise FALSE is returned.



The DTWAIN_EnumPrinterStringModes function gets all of the supported imprinter/endorser modes that the Source Source supports. The address lpPrinterModes is the address of the DTWAIN_ARRAY that will store the printer modes.  The data type of the returned DTWAIN_ARRAY is ARRAYLONG.


The imprinter/endorser modes describe whether an imprinter or endorser is present, and whether the printing occurs before or after a page is acquired from the device.  To see the possible imprinter and endorser types, see the DTWAIN Imprinter/Endorser Values.  These values are dependent solely on the support that the Source provides.  If the device does not support an imprinter or endorser, the value at the lpPrinterModes will be 0.


TWAIN State Transitions

The Source must be in State 4 or higher


Prerequisite Function Call(s)



DTWAIN Source Selection Function



See Also

Imprinter / Endorser Support