DTWAIN Error Handling

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When an error condition occurs within DTWAIN, the last error can be retrieved.  Usually if a FALSE or error condition is returned, your application can check the error code. All DTWAIN functions that return FALSE, NULL, or whatever a "failure" return value is, is done so for a known reason, and that reason can be discovered by calling DTWAIN_GetLastError. The error return value can be one of the values listed in the DTWAIN Error Values.


The DTWAIN_GetErrorString function allows your application to get a meaningful error message given an error number.  The message will only appear if one of the language resource DLL's is available (the files with the *.L32 extension)


By default, DTWAIN will buffer the last 50 errors that occur during the running of the application.   To access the error buffer, the DTWAIN_GetErrorBuffer function is used.  To increase or decrease the number of errors that are buffered, the DTWAIN_SetErrorBufferThreshold function is used.  To clear the error buffer, the DTWAIN_ClearErrorBuffer function is used.