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DTwainCompressedTransfer& DTwainCompressedTransfer::SetJPEGQuality( LONG Quality );


Return Value

Returns reference to current DTwainCompressedTransfer object (*this).






Sets the JPEG quality factor when acquiring buffered images using JPEG compression.  The Source must support JPEG compressed transfers.  To check this, the DTwainCompressedTransfer::IsJPEGCompressionSupported( ) must return true.


The quality factor of a JPEG file determines the lossyness of the data.  Since JPEG is a lossy format, the higher the quality factor, the better quality the image.  However, higher quality images means that the image is larger in size (in bytes).  The Quality must be between 0 and 99, where 0 is the lowest quality, and 99 is the highest quality. Quality can also be one of these special values:


Quality      Definition


Low quality


Medium quality


High quality