DTWAIN C++ Class Interface

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Note:  Version 2.0 of the C++ interface is incompatible with version 1.0 of the C++ classes.  Version 1.0 will not be supported after official release of version 2.0.


The DynaRithmic DTWAIN C++ Interface 2.0 is a new version of the DTWAIN C++ classes.


The following chapters in this help file document basic usage of the new library.  


For programmers who use C++, DTWAIN comes in an object oriented C++ class that wraps most of the functionality of the DTWAIN API functions.  The major advantages of using the C++ class is as follows:


Creation and deletion of DTWAIN is done safely and easily.
Handling TWAIN Sources is easier with the C++ classes.
DTWAIN Data Types are wrapped in classes that are easily handled.
Full source code is provided for the C++ classes.  Any improvements, additions, derived classes, etc. can be done easily.


The C++ interface comes with complete source code, allowing you to change the interface, add features or if necessary, fix bugs.  You are free to use the C++ interface in any way you see fit for your DTWAIN applications, even give it away for free if you desire.  One thing that we would like is that if you make changes, that the new changes keeps the intent of the original design.  Also, we appreciate reporting any bug fixes or enhancements you have made to the library by sending email to support@dynarithmic.com.




When using the DTWAIN C++ classes , you must include the following header:


#include <cdtwain.h>


#include "cdtwain.h"


Without this, the C++ file will not compile successfully.


The C++ classes assumes that you are familiar with the basic DTWAIN concepts, i.e. acquisitions, Sources, device independent bitmaps, image transfer modes, etc.   The concepts used in the C++ classes with respect to acquiring images, selecting the Twain source, etc. are analogous to what is found in the 'C' interface.  Therefore there will be minimal discussion of these issues here.


You must have the DynaRithmic Twain Interface Library (DTWAIN) installed to use the C++ classes (DTWAIN32.DLL or DTWAIN64.DLL, and any supporting DLL's or import libraries).