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The DTWAIN::DTwainAppInfo class provides a high-level interface to the TWAIN Application information.  This class is used as an argument to the DTwainInterface constructor, or is used as an argument to the DTwainInterface::SetAppInfo and DTwainInterface::GetAppInfo, functions.


The DTwainAppInfo class does not set or get information from the TWAIN Source Manager.  It is only used as a convenient wrapper for the information when you need to set or retrieve TWAIN application information.


Note that the Set... member functions of DTwainAppInfo return a reference to the current object.  This allows an application to optionally use function chaining to initialize the DTwainAppInfo object.  For example:


DTwainAppInfo Info = DTwainAppInfo( ).SetManufacturer("Test1").SetProductName("Product Name").SetMajorMinorVersion(1,1);


creates a new DTwainAppInfo and calls SetManufacturer, SetProductName, and SetMajorMinorVersion for the new DTwainAppInfo object.