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The DTWAIN_GetMaxAcquisitions function gets the maximum number of acquisitions allowed for an enabled Source


LONG DTWAIN_GetMaxAcquisitions ( DTWAIN_SOURCE Source );





A DTWAIN_SOURCE that denotes a TWAIN Source.


Return Values

If this function is successful, the maximum number of acquisitions allowed or DTWAIN_MAXACQUIRE is returned.  If the function fails, DTWAIN_FAILURE2 is returned.



The DTWAIN_GetMaxAcquisitions function gets the maximum number of acquisitions that the Source Source will attempt before closing the Source's user interface (UI).  To set the maximum number of acquisitions, call DTWAIN_SetMaxAcquisitions.


The return value of DTWAIN_MAXACQUIRE denotes that the Source will allow an infinite number of acquisitions.  If the return value is DTWAIN_FAILURE2, the DTWAIN_GetLastError function can be used to get the reason for the failure.


TWAIN State Transitions



Prerequisite Function Call(s)


DTWAIN Source Selection Function


See Also

Acquiring Images